How to Be a Nurse Assistant Skills DVD, 8th Edition

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This completely new DVD demonstrates 13 skills as well as common preparation and completion steps performed routinely by nurse assistants and is a critical part of the curriculum. Demonstrated by real nurse assistants, the DVD allows students to see each procedure, step-by-step. Studies have shown that the visual and auditory impact of videos takes students beyond simple recall-and-relate activities and promotes greater cognitive processes, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Please note, each of the 13 skills in this DVD are included as separate video clips in the online Instructor Website


Video Segments Include:

  • Common Preparation and Completion Steps
  • Handwashing
  • Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Making an Occupied Bed
  • Moving Up in Bed When a Resident is Unable to Help (Two Assist)
  • Turning a Resident from Supine to Side-Lying
  • Stand-Pivot Transfer
  • Moving a Resident with a Mechanical Lift (Two Assist)
  • Caring for Dentures
  • Shaving a Male Resident’s Face
  • Care of Fingernails
  • Assisting Residents with Meals
  • Guidelines for Feeding Most Residents
  • Assisting with Walking